
Caz Jaine has worked with the police, central government and care sectors, and specialises in supporting employees who have high pressure challenges – for example those who do shift work, or face unique physical or mental challenges or exposure to trauma.  Caz has a face-to-face approach – and works to gain insight and understanding by running focus groups and/or holding one-to-one meetings – which inform strategy building. 

Caz is qualified in workplace mental health first aid, as a trauma risk assessor (TRiM), and runs regular reiki and workplace mindfulness sessions and retreats in Gloucestershire. She is the founder of the Blue Light Club podcast and Blue Light Meditation. Caz has been on her own resilience-building journey since experiencing trauma in her younger years and working in Iraq as a Diplomat 17 years ago. She is the author of several books, which very much reflect her approach to life – see A Better Basra and Looking for Tigers. Caz gave herself the name “Jaine” (meaning “to overcome”) on a trip to India in 2007.